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Buying art or painting it yourself?

What exactly falls under the concept of art? Why is there so much art today and why does man need art? And then the most important question: buy art or simply do it yourself? This will be clarified.

What does art mean?

Art (lt ars, gr. Téchne) can be traced back to knowledge, technology, perception and intuition, and is defined in the dictionary as “creative creation and creation of works”, but also as “the special ability and dexterity required to build something”.

The creative process of art manifests itself in the form of works, no matter of which nature they are.

Man and art


Art is important to man. Approaches such as art education and art therapies prove the scientific connection with creative activity and human mental health.
The beneficial effect of art can be scientifically explained by the fact that man can bring his inner thouhts to the exterior. This gives him both the opportunity to get in contact with the outside world, as well as to process, finish, or work out experiences. Emotions can be presented, impressions shared.
The joint consideration of works can also promote empathy and communication.

Art for viewing

The visual arts can be presented through a wide range of materials and on a wide variety of surfaces. Painting on canvas, in oil, or acrylic, photography, black and white, sculptures in wood, made of steel, everything is possible and has a special effect. The materials as well as the color composites may play a decisive role.

Art for the soul

Whether or not self-painted or purchased works are hung up, the positive effect remain.
The advantage of owning paintings is that the origins, content and inspiration are well-known and can be communicated to the viewer. The space for speculation is kept small.
Purchased works, on the other hand, leave room for interpretation and allow the viewer to always discover the work anew, as a certain mystery remains.

Art for Singulart

For Singulart, art is one of the most important components of human existence. The artists, on our platform, allow viewers to take a look at their artistic interior, as varied as they are wondrous. Insight into the worlds of Aliki Braine, William Guilmain and Graeme Williams.

Aliki Braine

Aliki Braine is more about creating photographs than taking photographs.


Drawning No 7 © Aliki Braine, Singulart Artist

William Guilmain

For William Guilmain, poetry has an important place in his art, because it is for him, the only force that makes him see the world.


Destination finale © William Guilmain Singulart Artist

Graeme Wiliams

Graeme Wiliams made a process of visual discovery from his photography over the course of time.


On the desert’s edge 03 © Graeme Wiliams, Singulart Artist

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