
A Day With Alfred Freddy Krupa

A Day With Alfred Freddy Krupa

Alfred Freddy Krupa is a Croatian artist of versatility and passion. Formally trained and with a wide range of creative interests that he’s held and explored since a young age, his art marries a variety of influences to arrive at a point of distinction. We caught up with Alfred to delve deeper into his artistic motivations, goals and reflections.

Good morning, Alfred! What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

I prepare coffee for the whole family and I check my inboxes as I have very intense global communication.

What inspires you to create every day?

My inner self, my inner needs, my inner urges. I am entirely dedicated (and addicted) to my work but, frankly, I do not work every day as that would be more of a habit than a genuine need for visual expression. There are days and then days. If I do paint that day, I paint either immediately in the morning, or in the evening.

What does your workspace look like?

This will sound odd but I still don’t have any sort of studio. For a number of reasons I work primarily “en plein air”. Of course, not all things can be created outdoors, and in these cases I work in my bedroom or in the kitchen.

Alfred Freddy Krupa painting “en plein air.”

Describe the core of your technique or style.

The core of my work is a search for “true” essential forms of visual reality, through a genuine and personal artistic process. “True” means that they’re there, but hidden within visual noise and details. I am educated in all classical painting techniques, but ink is the best painting/drawing technique for such types of research.

I also explore the amalgamation of Eastern and Western painting styles and methods, which falls within borders of the contemporary art phenomena named “New Ink Art Movement.” This is the core element, but I do not limit myself. I also love the feeling of creation in various other artists’ philosophies and concepts (from new realism and neo-surrealism to art informal, etc.) And I don’t restrict or delude myself with any political agenda or religious doctrine. If there is a creative urge, I can paint or draw a formal portrait or an erotic nude with the same vigor. I honor freedom of expression based on knowledge, essence, and genuine expression. This attitude is reflected in my works.

Alfred Freddy Krupa, ‘The pebble (digger) boat,’ 2018. 46x99cm, ink on paper.

What are your top 3 studio essentials?

There is no such thing. I do not need any sort of stage or performance. But I definitely need a moment without distraction in order to create.

How do you know or decide when an artwork is finished?

It’s hard to explain it in words. I just know. It’s a special feeling of completion; everything is subconscious.

Sometimes I am very nervous (or even angry) before I start to draw or paint but when I am near completion my mindset changes.

Alfred Freddy Krupa ‘While Fixing Hair,’ 2015. 50x35cm, ink on paper.

What do you like to do to unwind after a day’s work?

It depends. Often I go for a walk outside the city. But mostly I spend evenings with my family watching a good movie (the second occupation I dreamed of in childhood was to be a film director). Pretty much the same as the other people.

What’s your overall favorite aspect of the creative process?

It’s the feeling of personal accomplishment, achievement. Of course, there is also satisfaction that evolves from the realization that I have created something of lasting value. And it is definitely a self-healing process.

Alfred photographed by his brother, Mladen Krupa.

Thank you, Alfred! You can see his full artist page here.

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